The Amateur Cryptid Survival Guide

Is That an Air Rod in Your Photograph, Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

Episode Summary

This Week: Air Rods and Sky Serpents Have you ever seen something weird in the sky, and then later decided you had seen a horrible beastie? Do you look at large flocks of birds and worry that an aerial serpent was coming to kill you? Do you ever want to just make up some wild bullshit about monsters because an insect got in the way of your perfect photo of the sky? Today, we're talking about air rods and sky serpents, two strange sky phenomena that have attracted a LOT of wild buzz about them. Today's topics: People try to pretend that they're doing science; a professional stunt skateboarder deals psychic damage; visual effects from two nerdy perspectives; JFK, Mel Gibson, and the Virgin Mary; friends don't let friends support NFTs; a flock of devils attacks the kraken; is the US government trying to gaslight UFOlogists; is that a bunch of birds, or is that a big sky snake; snakes can break the laws of physics if they want.